Aim and scope
Big data is a growing interdisciplinary field of research with a high impact in science and technology. It opens new perspectives and brings numerous new problems, in particular in mathematical modeling and computer science. The aim of the conference is to highlight such challenging problems and recent developments in the areas of mathematics and modeling for data science. It also brings together researchers and experts, and practitioners interested in the applications involving the modeling and large scale computing, to exchange experiences and discuss problems encountered in the field.The conference is addressed to a large public of academics, engineers and industrials.
Inscription is free but mandatory
- Mathematical modeling
- Learning techniques
- Big data and High Peformance Computing
- High-dimensional statistics
- Optimisation
- Germain Forestier (University of Haute Alsace, France)
- Nikolaos Limnios (Sorbonne-Campiègne, France)
- Dragan Poljak (Split, Croatie)
- Loïc Teyssier (University of Strasbourg, France)
- Jonathan Weber (University of Haute Alsace, France)
- Patrice Wira (University of Haute Alsace, France)
- Sixin Zhang (ENS Paris, France)
- Pasha Zusmanovich (Ostava, Czech)
Take the Tramway Tram 1 direction Chataignier, change at "Porte Jeune" (the same plateform), Tram 2 direction Cotteaux Stop Université.